LAVINIA | Loggia dei Vini, Villa Borghese

Ross Birrell & David Harding, Enzo Cucchi, Piero Golia, Virginia Overton, Gianni Politi, Monika Sosnowska 

curated by Salvatore Lacagnina




LAVINIA is a new contemporary art program for the Loggia dei vini in Villa Borghese park, an early 17th century nynphaeum featuring an oval pavilion for summer receptions and banquets, where precious wines and the first sorbets where served. 

The program is conceived to address the great variety of people who stroll in the park. It aims to avoid any form of «auctoritas», and to enter silently into everyday life. It questions the notions of public art, tradition, the relation between art and architecture, and opens to the power of story telling. 

Some of the works will remain for the entire duration of the program; others will alternate, to mark the passing of time, and the performativity of the place. All invite the viewer to look, not to be looked at.

LAVINIA was conceived to engage with the restoration of the Loggia, donated by Ghella to the city of Rome, under the scientific supervision of the Capitoline Superintendency.

Each opening is titled after an ice cream flavour, reflecting the produce of the season. 
Flavour 1 «orange and lemon verbena». 
LAVINIA is also a gelato.


A project by Ghella. 
Supported by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. 


Loggia dei vini, Villa Borghese
Access from via Pinciana 18
00197 Rome





Photo credit Daniele Molajoli and Antonio Demma