Broadway Subway Project update: farewell to TBMs Elsie and Phyllis

The Broadway Subway Project has reached a significant milestone as we bid farewell to Elsie and Phyllis, the two Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) that have played a crucial role in the completion of the tunnel excavation in Spring 2024. As we move forward, the successful completion of the tunnel boring phase marks a major step towards realizing the full potential of the Broadway Subway Project: while it's bittersweet to see them go, we are immensely proud of the work our teams have accomplished in managing the disassembly and removal of these remarkable machines.

Watch the disassembly of the tunnel boring machines:

The Broadway Subway Project is an extension to the existing Millennium Line that will connect VCC-Clark Station with a new terminus at Arbutus Street, passing through six new stations and having a length of 5.7 km, with both underground and elevated route sections. The Broadway Corridor is one of the most densely populated areas in British Columbia not yet served by a rapid transit system, yet at the same time experiencing strong population growth, with a 57% increase in population projected by 2040. Once in operation, the Millennium Line extension will provide fast, frequent and convenient SkyTrain service to B.C.’s second largest jobs centre, world- class health services, an emerging innovation and research hub, and growing residential communities.